Thrips numbers on our traps have remained relatively steady for the last three weeks, though we did see a spike last week in Colquitt County. My first thrips trials are just now emerging from the ground, and I have not heard any reports of thrips control problems on early planted peanut as of today.

I have had questions this week about rates of imidacloprid for in-furrow applications. I recommend the upper end of the rate range for whichever formulation a grower is using….We should NOT be doubling the rate or cutting the rate in half. Be sure to check the label of the product you are using as rates vary by formulation

These data are being provided for informational purposes only and may not be representative of thrips dispersal at your location. Peanut fields should be scouted regularly to quantify actual thrips populations.

If you have questions about thrips or thrips management please contact your local county Extension agent.


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