A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

News, events, and happenings in Colquitt County agriculture.

I thought it would be good to touch base with everyone about what I’m seeing on brassicas here in the county.

Sclerotinia on Cabbage: The entire head of cabbage begins to collapse and a white fungal growth occurs. In later stages of development raisin-like structures can be observed.

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Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a soil inhabiting fungus that can cause disease during cool air temperatures and during periods of wet weather. Sclerotinia has a tendency to infect damaged plant tissue, and it is most likely showing up around the county due to cold damage that has occurred. The funigicide Fontelis has activity on Sclerotinia.

Speaking of cold damage….. Due to some freezing temperatures we have experienced I have seen a variety of cold damage. See the pictures below to see varying types of cold damage:

Cold damage on mustard
Cold damage on cabbage
Cold damage on broccoli

One more thing worth mentioning is a type of bacteria that has shown up on cabbage here in Colquitt County as well as in several surrounding counties.  Please see picture below:


As you know copper is your only line of defense against bacteria. Nevertheless, we are attempting to identify what kind of bacteria this is. Several samples from many counties have been sent to the University of Georgia to be isolated.

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