While I usually post stories about climate and agriculture, I also love earth science and stories about natural disasters. The New Yorker posted an interesting and terrifying story on what will happen in the Pacific Northwest (including Seattle, Portland, and most land west of I-5) when their next big earthquake hits. And it is overdue according to long-term statistics based on paleo-records. It’s a long story from 2015 but an excellent read. You can find it at https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/07/20/the-really-big-one?mbid=social_facebook.

I also ran across an interesting figure on deaths attributed to natural disasters of various sorts over time. While deaths from some natural disasters like floods have sharply fallen, deaths from earthquakes have not. This may be because earthquakes are not very predictable and certainly not warn-able in the way that tornadoes and hurricanes are.