The biggest climate news this week was the release of the annual State of the Climate report for 2016. Written by nearly 500 scientists from 60 different countries (including a number of my friends) who look at many different aspects of the earth-ocean-atmosphere system and the trends in many variables, it provides an unparalleled look at what 2016’s climate was like. (Note that this is different than the report that the New York Times reported on earlier this week, which focused on the US and how climate there is changing.)

As you might expect, there have been a number of stories about the results, which include the identification of 2016 as the earth’s warmest year on record since 1880.  Here are some of the stories that were published about the report, along with a link to the full report itself.

Washington Post: It’s unambiguous and definitive. These five charts prove that the planet is heating up.

Climate Central: These Are the Crazy Climate Records from 2016 You Haven’t Heard Much About

Weather Underground: NOAA Climate Report Confirms 2016 Was Planet’s Hottest Year on Record

Discover magazine: The record global warming streak of 2014-2016: a snowball’s chance in hell that this was natural

Download the full report from