Chris Robbins’ blog at noted that today is the birthday of the National Weather Service.  Here is how his entry begins:

“The Weather Bureau, now known as the National Weather Service, was established on February 9, 1870 by the 41stUnited States Congress and signed by President Ulysses S. Grant.  On March 29, 1870, the new weather forecasting service was officially assigned to the U.S. Army Signal Service within the Department of War and given the name The Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce.  The very first meteorological reports were taken at 24 stations at 7:35 am on November 1, 1870 and successfully transmitted by telegraph to the Signal Service central office in Washington, D.C. ”

If you are interested in reading more about the history of the NWS and the history of weather forecasting, you can read the full blog post at

Source: Famartin, Commons Wikimedia
Source: Famartin, Commons Wikimedia