If you are looking for a point-specific hourly weather forecast for applications like spraying, you might be interested in this product from the National Weather Service.  It is a graphical hour-by-hour forecast for your location (by lat/long) that is available online.  For most of Georgia you can go to https://www.srh.noaa.gov/forecast/gridpoint.php?site=ffc and either enter your lat/long or click on the map at your location.  If you are not in that area, then use your lat/long to pick your spot.  Once your location is chosen, look on the lower right of the web page to get the hourly graph of the forecast for that point.  It should look something like the graphic below, but for your location and date.  You can look up to six days ahead, although of course the farther ahead you look, the lower the accuracy of the forecast.

You can look up your lat/long by inputting your address at https://stevemorse.org/jcal/latlon.php.

Source: National Weather Service
Source: National Weather Service